WUXI APPTEC (02359) stock price, in USD

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WUXI APPTEC (02359) stock performance

Check WUXI APPTEC financial performance, includes market capitalization, price change percentage, price-to-earnings ratio, as well as historical and current stock prices.

Prev Close 55.75
52wk High 77.99
Open 55.50
52wk Low 27.50
Equity Flow 3.31%
P/E 18.72%
T/O 0.20 b
P/B 2.69%
T/O Rate 0.95%
Mkt Cap 21.30 b
Dividend 1.05
Total Shares 2.88 b
Div.Yield 1.92%
lot Size 100

WUXI APPTEC Company Introduction

WuXi AppTec Co Ltd is a China-based company principally engaged in the business of new drug research and development and manufacturing services. The Company conducts its business through six segments. The WuXi Chemistry Segment is primarily engaged in providing new drug research, development and manufacturing services. The WuXi Testing Segment is primarily engaged in providing pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and in vitro diagnostic reagents services. The WuXi Biology Segment is primarily engaged in providing drug discovery and research services. The WuXi ATU Segment is primarily engaged in providing customers with integrated medical product process development, manufacturing and testing services. The WuXi DDSU Segment is primarily engaged in providing customers with integrated new drug research and development services. The Other Segment is primarily engaged in administrative services, sales of raw materials and sales of waste materials.

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