IBAN号码查询|高效简单的IBAN账号验证 - BiyaPay

Search or Reverse Check IBAN Number

You can check the IBAN number required for remittance here, and you can search it by bank name or country/region. If you already have an IBAN number, you can use a reverse check tool to check which bank it belongs to.
IBAN Number Check

Select a country or region and fill in bank-related information to search.

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Reverse Check

Enter the IBAN number, check its format and see which bank it belongs to.

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What's an IBAN number?

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number, which is also an international numbering system used to identify bank accounts in connection with cross-border transactions. Unlike SWIFT codes, IBAN is used not only to identify the bank, but also to identify a specific account within the bank, and is often used for international transactions related to the European Union or Europe.The IBAN number consists of 34 letters and digits, with each character used to help identify a specific account, and always begins with a two-digit country code. It serves at least three important functions when making international bank transfers. 1、The IBAN number allows the financial institution to quickly record the country of the recipient's financial institution. 2、The IBAN number is used to confirm that the transfer was sent to the actual account within that country. Obviously, without either of these two aspects, the international remittance would be difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish. 3、Finally, the IBAN number provides an efficient and simple way for the financial institution to double-check the authenticity of the account information to ensure that the remittance will be successful before it is sent.

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Composition and examples of IBAN numbers

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number, which is also an international numbering system used to identify bank accounts in connection with cross-border transactions. Unlike SWIFT codes, IBAN is used not only to identify the bank, but also to identify a specific account within the bank, and is often used for international transactions related to the European Union or Europe.The IBAN number consists of 34 letters and digits, with each character used to help identify a specific account, and always begins with a two-digit country code. It serves at least three important functions when making international bank transfers. 1、The IBAN number allows the financial institution to quickly record the country of the recipient's financial institution. 2、The IBAN number is used to confirm that the transfer was sent to the actual account within that country. Obviously, without either of these two aspects, the international remittance would be difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish. 3、Finally, the IBAN number provides an efficient and simple way for the financial institution to double-check the authenticity of the account information to ensure that the remittance will be successful before it is sent.

SWIFT is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank and branch.

CountryCountry codeSEPAlengthsChecking accountsubsidiary bankIBAN Example

Differences between SWIFT codes, IBANs and Routing Numbers

  • SWIFT codes, IBANs and Routing Numbers are all bank codes for international wire transfers, but are used in different regions.
  • Routing Numbers are generally used by banks in the United States and North America to help remitters identify their bank when processing local ACH payments or wire transfers;
  • IBAN is used primarily by European banks, and is issued by many European banks, and has since begun to be adopted by banks in other parts of the world;
  • Countries and regions outside of North America and Europe mostly use SWIFT codes.
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