What is the Current Price?
The current price refers to the latest traded price at a specific moment during market transactions.
What types of trading are supported by the stock account?
The BiyaPay stock account supports both cash trading and margin trading.
How to View Bills?
On the homepage of the app, go to Funds -> Bills to view your bill details.
How to Prevent Fraud?
To prevent fraud, we need to be vigilant and take multi-level security measures. By taking corresponding measures, we can effectively prevent various types of fraud and protect the safety of personal information and property. Maintaining vigilance and goo
How to Check BiyaPay's Licenses?
Currently, BiyaPay entities in the US, Canada, and New Zealand have obtained securities and currency-related service qualifications, which can be checked by entering the company name on the relevant website.
What are there in the Massage Center?
The BiyaPay Message Center is a centralized area for receiving important information such as platform notifications, transaction updates, and security alerts.
Why can't I sell my position?
The biggest reason may be that your BiyaPay US and Hong Kong stock fund account balance is not enough for transaction fees. You can take two measures to sell stocks: reducing the number of traded stocks and recharging funds to your BiyaPay US and Hong Kon
How is the reward distributed?
The rewards from promotions will be credited to your BiyaPay funds account. The timing of reward distribution varies depending on the type of promotion. For long-term promotions, rewards are typically credited in real-time after a successful transaction.
What are the security measures for BiyaPay's stock trading?
The security guarantee of BiyaPay stock trading includes four aspects: 100% selling orders to the US and Hong Kong SAR Stock Exchange, securities qualification, sustainability of business model, and long-term stable operation.
What should I do when encountering special situations such as mergers, splits, dividends, delisting,
When you encounter special situations such as company actions (such as mergers, spin-offs, dividends, delisting, etc.) during the investment process, it is crucial to timely understand relevant information and take corresponding measures. Maintaining comm
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Regulation Subject
BIYA GLOBAL LLC  is a broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (No.: 802-127417), member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (CRD: 325027), member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), and regulated by FINRA and SEC.
BIYA GLOBAL LLC  registered with the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), as a Money Services Business (MSB), registration number: 31000218637349, and regulated by FinCEN.
BIYA GLOBAL LIMITED  registered with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) as a Money Services Business (MSB), registration number:M20490364, and regulated by FINTRAC.
BIYA GLOBAL LIMITED  registered as Financial Service Provider (FSP number: FSP1007221) in New Zealand, and is a member of the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme, a New Zealand independent dispute resolution service provider.