Can T + 0 trading be done in the US stock market?
Yes, T + 0 trading is available in the US stock market, also known as day trading.
What are the privileges of a promotion ambassador?
Becoming a BiyaPay Ambassador can enjoy a series of privileges, which can not only help the Ambassador better promote BiyaPay, but also bring rich rewards and unique experiences to the Ambassador.
Can I receive a firm amount?
There are usually no fees for sending money in local currencies, but fees may be charged for cross-border currency transfers or by certain banks (e.g. Wise). To ensure that you receive a certain amount, it is advisable to send money in your home currency
US and Hong Kong stock transaction fees
You can click on "Fees" on the "Trading" page to view the fees for US and Hong Kong stocks.
Repayment Rules
Repayment Rules
BiyaPay Digital Currency Transaction Fees
BiyaPay Digital Currency Transaction Fees
What are dividends and special dividends?
Dividends are a common way for companies to pay part of their profits to shareholders, and are an important way for long-term investors to obtain returns. Special dividends, on the other hand, are additional dividends issued by companies under specific ci
How to calculate the total valuation of a stock account?
The total valuation of a stock account refers to the total market value of all stocks and other assets held in an investor's account at a specific point in time. It reflects the overall value of the account and is an important indicator for measuring inve
What currencies can be exchanged for currency exchange?
BiyaPay supports more than 20 fiat currencies such as USD, HKD, SGD, AUD, New Zealand Dollar, EUR, GBP, JPY, Korean Won, and more than 200 digital currencies. You can exchange them for USD or HKD and invest in US or Hong Kong stocks.
How to know if my stock account is opened?
Once you register using your ID card or passport, the stock trading feature will be activated.
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Regulation Subject
BIYA GLOBAL LLC  is a broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (No.: 802-127417), member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (CRD: 325027), member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), and regulated by FINRA and SEC.
BIYA GLOBAL LLC  registered with the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), as a Money Services Business (MSB), registration number: 31000218637349, and regulated by FinCEN.
BIYA GLOBAL LIMITED  registered with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) as a Money Services Business (MSB), registration number:M20490364, and regulated by FINTRAC.
BIYA GLOBAL LIMITED  registered as Financial Service Provider (FSP number: FSP1007221) in New Zealand, and is a member of the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme, a New Zealand independent dispute resolution service provider.