What is a company action?
Corporate actions refer to the various measures taken by a Listed Company to manage Shareholders' Equity, optimize its capital structure, or achieve its strategic objectives.
Does BiyaPay support stock conversion?
Currently, stock transfers are not supported.
How to deposit BiyaPay stocks?
How to transfer the recharged fiat and digital currencies to BiyaPay's US and Hong Kong stock accounts?
How are US stock transaction fees charged?
US stocks and ETF fees
What is financing?
Financing transaction is a trading model in which investors use their own securities account funds or securities as collateral to borrow more funds from securities firms for securities purchase, and repay the principal and interest within the agreed perio
How to conduct on-chain recharge?
Open the app homepage, click on the "Overview" page, click on "Transfer" - "On-chain Recharge (Digital Currency) ", for example, choose the currency [USDT].
How to contact BiyaPay customer service?
Currently, you can contact us through online customer service and customer service email.
How do I cancel my account?
If it is a iOS system mobile APP, you can click the "Cancel Account" button in the APP personal center and follow the prompts to cancel the account. If it is an Android system mobile APP, please use the email you used when registering, and send the inform
How much is the remittance fee charged by BiyaPay?
You can check the remittance fee for withdrawing USD or equivalent USD on the remittance page.
How to add a receiving account?
There are two ways to add a receiving account: one is to add it on the remittance page, and the other is to add it in the personal center.
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Regulation Subject
BIYA GLOBAL LLC  is a broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (No.: 802-127417), member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (CRD: 325027), member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), and regulated by FINRA and SEC.
BIYA GLOBAL LLC  registered with the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), as a Money Services Business (MSB), registration number: 31000218637349, and regulated by FinCEN.
BIYA GLOBAL LIMITED  registered with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) as a Money Services Business (MSB), registration number:M20490364, and regulated by FINTRAC.
BIYA GLOBAL LIMITED  registered as Financial Service Provider (FSP number: FSP1007221) in New Zealand, and is a member of the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme, a New Zealand independent dispute resolution service provider.